Welcome from Dean Leslie Sharp
The past 12 months were fantastic for the Georgia Tech Library on several fronts, and I am again thrilled to share this report with you.
Just like in past years, I am happy to report that by putting students first, being responsible stewards of state resources, celebrating collaboration and championing innovation we remain the scholarly heart of campus.
As you read what we have highlighted below, I would like for you to pay close attention to the following:
First off, in April our hardworking Archivists, in conjunction with student Sam Bolton, released “Uncovering Hidden Narratives in Georgia Tech's History,” a self-directed, online course exploring responsible description practices in archives and the way they influence the understanding of integration efforts before 1961, when the first three Black students matriculated at Tech.
Second, I want to highlight the ways our talented and dedicated faculty and staff have been able to increase circulation of library materials; deliveries – both overall and of gadgets, plus deliveries from the Library Service Center; in-person and web-based consultations; Interlibrary Loan fulfillment; and usage of the web site, Archives Reading Room and database inquiries. Our Gadgets service—loaning both low-tech and high-tech equipment—continues to grow exponentially, underscoring the principle, if you build it, they will come!
What does all this data mean? These year-over-year increases in these vital performance indicators are a clear sign that we are fulfilling our service mission to campus.
All that information, and more, is available both in interactive Tableau charts and simple visual breakouts. If you have questions about what you see, please reach out. We are always happy to talk about all of the exciting happenings at the Library and Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons.
Next, make sure to note how our collaborative efforts in bringing art to campus took many forms in 2024, along with partnerships across campus to bring more access and better service to students. These efforts, including partnerships with the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, Scheller College of Business, College of Computing, College of Sciences, and more, highlight the Library’s ability to work between disciplines and further cement our place at the center of scholarship at Georgia Tech.
Last, look at the continued work our Archives and Special Collections Department has done to bring cherished personal collections to campus and make visible the valuable material we collect.
Everything you see here is a testament to my amazing colleagues who work tirelessly to serve the Georgia Tech community. Please dive in and find out more about our programs, initiatives, and achievements. Reach out if you have any questions or just want to learn more.
-Dean Leslie Sharp