Reading Lists is a tool in Canvas where students can obtain course readings provided by instructors.
It works best with Chrome or Firefox browsers, not Apple Safari.
Getting Started with Reading Lists
The Georgia Tech Library offers a tool called Reading Lists from Leganto as part of its Course Reserves service. Reading Lists allows you to add Georgia Tech Library resources, web resources, and your own documents to a single place in Canvas. Students will find all of their course materials in one place.
Learn more in our guide
Student Information
Students can access course materials by clicking on the Reading Lists link in Canvas.
If you are unable to access Reading Lists, please stop by the INFODesk or email with the following information:
- system you are using (i.e. Canvas > Reading Lists)
- error message received
- first and last name
For any other questions, please email
Faculty Information
Course Reserve requests can now be submitted directly through Canvas.
The Leganto Reading List tool allows instructors to add Georgia Tech Library resources, web resources, and your own documents to a single place in Canvas. You can also submit purchase requests for new titles. Students will find all of their course materials in one place.
Please refer to our comprehensive guide How to use Reading Lists by Leganto, or use our quick start guide.
Please email with any questions.

Retention Policy & Copyright
Please refer to Copyright Guidelines for additional information.
- Only hard copy reserve materials being used for classes taught in the current semester will be housed at the Library. At the end of each semester, all reserve materials will be removed. Library owned items will be returned to the LSC and personal copies returned to the owner.
- Submit a request to renew the Reserve material(s) by the last day of finals if they will be used for the semester immediately following the current one.
- Permissions for articles, book chapters, etc. that are not available from the Georgia Tech Library are granted for one semester only. Permission must be requested for use in subsequent semesters.
- Exceptions may be made for resources which are used by students throughout the year.
- Student papers/projects cannot be posted without written permission of the student.
- Copyrighted material must have complete bibliographic citation noted when posted.