Leganto integration brings resources to students

This fall, the Georgia Tech Library launched Reading Lists by Leganto, an integrated resource list management system allowing faculty and instructors seamless access to course materials directly from any device.
With Reading Lists, instructors can link Library resources – from articles, eBooks, audio, video, and open access materials to external resources available on YouTube – directly through Canvas. This means students have access to those resources as though they were in the Library’s catalog – no more missing or broken links, no more searching in multiple places.
Faculty can even submit purchase requests to the Library with a simple click.
“This is a game changer for how the Library supports the teaching and learning needs of campus,” said Amy Johnson, the Library’s technical services manager and lead of the Leganto integration project. “With a few simple clicks, instructors can give students instant access to everything the Library offers.”
To learn more about how to enable Reading Lists in Canvas, watch the short tutorial.