Electronic resources are often available through multiple vendors or content providers, and the GT Library doesn’t necessarily have subscription access to all of them. If you locate a journal article or eBook via Google Scholar or some other outside source and it seems inaccessible, it may be worthwhile to check the journal or book title in the GT catalog to see if we have a different access point.

Using one or more of the tools listed below may help you locate the resources you need.


Using the GT VPN

Signing into the Georgia Tech Virtual Private Network often makes a difference in whether a site recognizes you as an authorized GT user for electronic resources that the Library subscribes to.

Connect to GT VPN

Using LibKey

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that connects you with library-licensed and open-access full-text articles.  When the full text is not available, you will be given the option to request the article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

Not every eJournal is indexed by LibKey, so some resources may still be available via the GT Library catalog even if they don’t show up in a LibKey search. Please check the catalog too.

Download LibKey Nomad
Library homepage

Using the GT Library Search

Please be aware of which search scope you’re using when you’re searching on the GT Library website. The default Discover search option searches everything – which includes resources that the GT Library does not subscribe to. The Catalog search option searches only resources (physical and electronic) that the GT library owns or subscribes to.

Be sure to look at the coverage dates for journal subscriptions in the GT Library catalog. When we have multiple content providers for a title, our subscription coverage may vary between them. Providers are not listed in chronological order.

Search the Library

Using eBooks

Librarian Marlee Givens discusses how to use eBooks provided by the Georgia Tech Library.

Play Video

Reporting eResource Access Issues

If you encounter a problem accessing an eResource, please check the following:

 Are you logged into the GT VPN?

 Does the GT Library have a current, active subscription to the resource?
         Does it cover the date you need?

 Have you tried accessing the resource via a different browser or device?
         Have you cleared the history cache in your browser?

If you are still unable to access the eResource, please submit a problem ticket, filling out the form as completely as possible.