video channel (requires GT login).
Learn more about the Teaching Studio & Capture Space on our
Tour the Teaching Studio
The Teaching Studio is the Library’s hub for the design, support, and practice of teaching.
Tour the Teaching Studio
The Teaching Studio is the Library’s hub for the design, support, and practice of teaching.
video channel (requires GT login).
Learn more about the Teaching Studio & Capture Space on ourWork with subject experts to design innovative class projects and effectively integrate scholarly resources and technologies into your courses or research. Library and technology experts, along with educational specialists and our campus partners, are available by reservation to assist you. Services and programming in the space are designed with Georgia Tech’s teaching faculty and staff in mind.
Green screen-equipped video capture space is available for practicing presentations, recording lectures, and basic video production.
(Coming Soon) Post-production station for editing video and the creation of teaching artifacts or digital learning objects.
video tutorial on how to use the Capture Space controls (requires GT login).
Watch aProgramming
Are you interested in learning more about the media production resources available to you in the Teaching Studio? The Teaching Studio offers yearly programming and webinars on a variety of technologies and teaching methods. Programs are led by members of the Georgia Tech Library, OIT and our partners at the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Join the yearly Academy “Teaching Studio Academy: Planning and Creating Instructional Videos”
This interactive academy is offered yearly to instructors on campus to further understand:
Participants have an opportunity to earn the academy badge as part of our series.
Teaching Studio Academy Canvas site.
Learn about the new desktop equipment available in the Teaching Studio eGlass Lightboard
Interested in reserving this equipment for video creation? email with questions. This equipment is available when you reserve the video capture space (4204).
The Teaching Studio provides four individual consultation rooms. Rooms are available for faculty via reservation, and include wall monitors that can be used with your own device. The rooms are available for academic or scholarly purposes only.
The Teaching Studio meeting room is available for faculty via reservation, and includes wall monitors that can be used with your own device. The meeting room is for academic or scholarly purposes only.
There is a small kitchen located between the Teaching Studio & the Faculty Research Zone. Please keep the kitchen tidy and report problems to