Library launches accessible gadgets

In its continuing effort to bring services to all Georgia Tech students, faculty and staff regardless of physical ability, this November the Library launched a new line of fully accessible gadgets.
“As we continuously invest in technology, it is important that the Library understands the needs of our disability community,” said Karen Manning, the Engagement and Inclusion Librarian. “Bringing awareness to our assistive technologies addresses accessibility needs and provides a method to improve the functional capabilities of our users.”
The Library recently purchased two timers, two large print keyboards, five decibel reducing headsets, two trackball mice and one talking graphing calculator, said Kimberly Griffis, the Public Services associate spearheading the effort.
“It’s a small group of items to increase our accessibility options,” said Griffis. “But I’m sure more will be added in the future.”
All items are circulated for 24 hours, said Griffis. Though, she added, the time may change based on community feedback to the program.
To learn more about the Georgia Tech Library’s Gadgets program, click here.