ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international non-profit organization developed by the research community. Your ORCID iD is a 16-character digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers with the same or similar names and allows you to link your research to your iD, ensuring that your work is correctly attributed to you. Many publishers, funders, universities, research organizations, and professional associations already use ORCID to identify researchers and their work. Your ORCID iD belongs to you, not to your institution, meaning you have full control over what data is associated with your iD.
What is ORCID?
Connect your ORCID iD with Georgia Tech
When you connect your ORCID iD to a trusted organization such as Georgia Tech, you authorize that organization to interact with your ORCID account. This includes the ability to read information with visibility set to Trusted Organizations and the potential to add to your research activities should that feature be implemented in the future.
Georgia Tech will have permission to pull visible information from your verified ORCID record to update local research information systems or websites. In turn, Georgia Tech will validate your institutional affiliation and, should it be implemented in the future, have the capacity to push authoritative research and publication information to your record.
As the ORCID holder, you maintain full control over your record and can revoke permission at any time.
Why connect your accounts?
- Uniquely identify individual researchers
- Streamline reporting workflows for gathering data about researchers’ activities, in order to measure institutional impact and/or assess individual contributions for performance review, promotion, & tenure
- Confirm affiliations with researchers to improve accuracy & trust in the research and scholarly communication landscape
- Stay connected with researchers even after they leave the institution
- Save time and reduce administrative burden by using automated data transfer in research reporting workflows (via the ORCID API)
As a trusted ORCID member organization, Georgia Tech has agreed to ORCID’s privacy policy and member terms.

Learn more about ORCID
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international non-profit organization developed by the research community.