Breadcrumb Home Dissertation Defense Room Reserve The Dissertation Defense Room Reserve the Dissertation Defense Room How busy is the library? Back to the Dissertation Defense Room This room must be reserved at least 2 weeks prior to your dissertation defense. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Name Email Phone (Includes area code): Please provide a number where you can be reached the day of the event. Phone Department Department - Select -Accounting (ACCT)Aerospace Engineering (AE)Air Force Aerospace Studies (AS)Applied Physiology (APPH)Applied Systems Engineering (ASE)Arabic (ARBC)Architecture (ARCH)Biology (BIOL)Biomed Engr/Joint Emory PKU (BMEJ)Biomedical Engineering (BMED)Biomedical Engr/Joint Emory (BMEM)Building Construction (BC)Building Construction - Professional (BCP)Center Enhancement-Teach/Learn (CETL)Chemical & Biomolecular Engr (CHBE)Chemistry (CHEM)Chinese (CHIN)City Planning (CP)Civil and Environmental Engr (CEE)College of Architecture (COA)Computational Mod, Sim, & Data (CX)Computational Science & Engr (CSE)Computer Science (CS)Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS)Economics (ECON)Elect & Comp Engr-Professional (ECEP)Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)English (ENGL)Foreign Studies (FS)French (FREN)Georgia Tech (GT)German (GRMN)Hindi (HIN)History (HIST)History, Technology & Society (HTS)Industrial Design (ID)Industrial & Systems Engr (ISYE)International Affairs (INTA)International Logistics (IL)Intl Executive MBA (IMBA)Japanese (JAPN)Korean (KOR)Latin (LATN)Linguistics (LING)Literature, Media & Comm (LMC)Management (MGT)Management of Technology (MOT)Manufacturing Leadership (MLDR)Materials Science & Engr (MSE)Mathematics (MATH)Mechanical Engineering (ME)Medical Physics (MP)Military Science & Leadership (MSL)Modern Languages (ML)Music (MUSI)Naval Science (NS)Neuroscience (NEUR)Nuclear & Radiological Engr (NRE)Persian (PERS)Philosophy (PHIL)Physics (PHYS)Political Science (POL)Polymer, Textile and Fiber Eng (PTFE)Psychology (PSYC)Public Policy/Joint GSU PhD (PUBJ)Public Policy (PUBP)Russian (RUSS)Serve Learn Sustain (SLS)Sociology (SOC)Spanish (SPAN)Other… Enter other… Advisor's Name Please use the "+" and "-" accordingly to add and remove items. Advisor's Name Advisor's Name Dissertation Title Please include a brief (1-2 sentences) description of your thesis topic. Potential Dates for Dissertation Defense Please enter at least 2-3 date options to ensure scheduling availability. Two time slots daily: 8am - 12pm (Morning) & 1pm - 5pm (Afternoon). Potential Dates for Dissertation Defense Potential Dates for Dissertation Defense Potential Dates for Dissertation Defense: Date Preferred Time for Dissertation Defense 8am-12pm (Morning) 1pm-5pm (Afternoon) No Preference Are you planning on recording your dissertation defense? Yes No Are you planning on uploading your recording to the GT Digital Repository? You have the option to upload your recording as a supplemental item along with your dissertation. Yes No Does your research need to be withheld for an embargo period? Yes No How long is your research embargo period? Years Your room reservation is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email from EMS (event management system). Leave this field blank