Library Essentials

Avoiding Plagiarism (and citing your references correctly) (Online)

Past Class

All research builds on what others have previously done, but how do you make sure you can cite your references to past scholarship and avoid the appearance of plagiarism? This workshop will help you identify plagiarism and why it is problematic, and will help you know how to cite work properly (and know when to cite it). 

This online session counts as one contact hour towards the in-person training requirement of the RCR Compliance Policy. For more information about the RCR training requirements, refer to the Compliance Training Matrix.

Click on this link for registration information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/avoiding-plagiarism-and-citing-your-references-correctly-tickets-337410653347

At class time, use this link to log in: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/95049030036?pwd=NDAxYUkwYVY2WTlqS0NjY0Z1T0w5QT09  

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